Anthony, Sam, and Mike did this MadLib about their praxivist friend Jaimee who is studying abroad this semester. All the additions are in green!...
Jaimee DePompeo is no joke, a praxivist warrior. When her consciousness became aware about Food Not Bombs she fasted for four-hundred and twelve trillion days. She arised compassion in many others, and even became skinnier than Gandhi did. When Docter Mar showed her a short about Thoreau she became graciously inspired. So much so, that she dumpster-dived an elephant sized wood just so she could spread the message “Resist Mc-Domination!” all over this land. Change manifested. It blossomed like a sun flower. Separate became unity. Beauty in her, radiated outward, and happily ever after, liberated in laughter, THE ENTIRE KINGDOM CREATURE COMMUNITY. So next time you see this prophet in person, give her a hug or a high-ten. Heighten and enlighten. All right then!
26 February 2009
24 February 2009
Article: The new wave of Liberalism
This is an article I wrote for Marist College's newspaper The Circle and is due out on campus Thursday February 26. Enjoy...
With all the ideological struggle in America over the alleged culture war, it seems natural for there to be massive backlash by the political right in response to the changes Mr. Obama is attempting to push through in Washington. But the change from conservatism to liberalism is nothing new, particularly in American politics. What we may see now, though, is a general shift in public opinion and governmental policy that will reflect a more liberal model.
It isn’t too much out of the ordinary to see minor sways in the government’s policy nor is it uncommon to see slight changes in public opinion over the course of 20 years or so. What is major is seeing a complete realignment of public opinion to another ideology. This type of massive shift is usually a result of massive social and political unrest. We saw this with the election of Roosevelt in 1932 and the election of Reagan in 1980, the public changed their political alignment towards another political view based on economic hardship.
Now we are confronted with a new scenario: was the election of Obama a response against the conservative America built by Reagan, Gingrich, and the Bushes? This is a possibility. It seems as though the voting public dramatically swayed towards liberalism and, in doing so, gave the Democrats a mandate to try out their policy. Pundits have been noting that it seems as though America is fed up with the conservative economic and foreign policy of the previous administrations including Clinton.
The issue now is to what extent is the government going to liberalize. I find it hard to believe that the government will sway as drastically left as conservative pundits are speculating. Although the conservatives are worried about the extent to which the government will liberalize, they must allow Obama to try out his policies to try and better America
It is time for welfare reforms, to increase funding into education, and to mend one of the most tattered healthcare systems in the industrialized world. Who knows? We may even catch up to Europe in our quality of healthcare. We may even catch up to Cuba!
The conservatives have had their opportunity to lead the country, they have been doing so for the last 28 years. Now it is liberals turn to try and run the country with their policies. Trends dictate that within the next 20 years – if Obama succeeds in leading the new liberal movement – there will be a transition back to conservative politics.
I would like to close this article with a quote from conservative columnist Bill Kristol: “Liberalism’s fate rests to an astonishing degree on Obama’s shoulders. If he governs successfully, we’re in a new political era.”
With all the ideological struggle in America over the alleged culture war, it seems natural for there to be massive backlash by the political right in response to the changes Mr. Obama is attempting to push through in Washington. But the change from conservatism to liberalism is nothing new, particularly in American politics. What we may see now, though, is a general shift in public opinion and governmental policy that will reflect a more liberal model.
It isn’t too much out of the ordinary to see minor sways in the government’s policy nor is it uncommon to see slight changes in public opinion over the course of 20 years or so. What is major is seeing a complete realignment of public opinion to another ideology. This type of massive shift is usually a result of massive social and political unrest. We saw this with the election of Roosevelt in 1932 and the election of Reagan in 1980, the public changed their political alignment towards another political view based on economic hardship.
Now we are confronted with a new scenario: was the election of Obama a response against the conservative America built by Reagan, Gingrich, and the Bushes? This is a possibility. It seems as though the voting public dramatically swayed towards liberalism and, in doing so, gave the Democrats a mandate to try out their policy. Pundits have been noting that it seems as though America is fed up with the conservative economic and foreign policy of the previous administrations including Clinton.
The issue now is to what extent is the government going to liberalize. I find it hard to believe that the government will sway as drastically left as conservative pundits are speculating. Although the conservatives are worried about the extent to which the government will liberalize, they must allow Obama to try out his policies to try and better America
It is time for welfare reforms, to increase funding into education, and to mend one of the most tattered healthcare systems in the industrialized world. Who knows? We may even catch up to Europe in our quality of healthcare. We may even catch up to Cuba!
The conservatives have had their opportunity to lead the country, they have been doing so for the last 28 years. Now it is liberals turn to try and run the country with their policies. Trends dictate that within the next 20 years – if Obama succeeds in leading the new liberal movement – there will be a transition back to conservative politics.
I would like to close this article with a quote from conservative columnist Bill Kristol: “Liberalism’s fate rests to an astonishing degree on Obama’s shoulders. If he governs successfully, we’re in a new political era.”
Poem: Conscious All Versus American Capital “M” dash “Pyre”
Raider of turf!
Why must you kill
all the creatures
and Earth?
Where inside
are you find-
any worth?
We demand
you disarm
all us be-ings,
we are hurt!
come on now!
You ought to better know me.
I gotta gotta eat
more of
them resource-ceez.
Cause the only highest power
that my eyes can see
Is a mighty common acronym,
“G” to the “O”
Tuh’ tuh’ the “D”
[ Conscious Chorus:]
For the Gold, Oil, Drugs is why
He’s spreading the blood
For the Gold, Oil, Drugs is why
He’s spreading the blood
For the Gold, Oil, Drugs is why
He’s spreading the blood
[Conscious All:]
This thug
Is American!
Capital letter “M” dash “Pyre!”
Napalmed grand mom’s
in Vietnam
and melted
on fire!
Possesed by his possessions,
All he
[Conscious Chorus:]
On you a demon made a spell!
Truth, all your hurt-
ing is yourself!
Should share it good
Share your wealth!
We pray for you,
To soon get well.
Conscious all,
is no victims
in this
You got to feel my ism’s!
Connected by all them
chords umbilical.
Live life in a bubble,
and don’t knock my hustle.
Any questioning
of the weaponing,
out in public
I will call you…
[Conscious All:]
hold up now,
just for one minute.
We here you propaganda,
but we just don’t dig it!
So get out of town.
Please take the next train or bus,
cause’ your nuclear arms have been toxic-ing us,
And you’re ish’ outta’ luck,
cause we mean
most serious.
Please spread
like on bread
with peanut butter
these truths
to many others…
Thank us
will our Earth Mother
when we
wake up and love her.
And end
will many suffers
when we
all free each other.
And end
will many suffers
when we
all free each other.
18 February 2009
Poem: Observations through glass
Looking into the world through the
Safety of glass encasement allows one
To see the world as it is, unbridled
From the worst and simplistic as to
Only view motion.
I see (a):
Woman running, sleek and slender moving
Easily as each step allows for another
Spring forward.
Friends walking along a path moving toward
A shared destiny as each step brings
Them closer to me, or further away?
Trees gently rustling in the breeze
Swayed by nothing more than nature
Existing, for no purpose?
River gently flowing pushing along its
Contents without purpose propelled by
Nature’s currents.
Snow dripping away into the soil without
Concern to what it has been or where
It is going or what affect it has.
The observations show me that
Things change naturally with fluidity
And foster positive outcome. Things
Created by sudden occurrences are formed
From malice and the unintentional and are
Not meant to be emulated.
Change comes with
Ease and Peace.
Safety of glass encasement allows one
To see the world as it is, unbridled
From the worst and simplistic as to
Only view motion.
I see (a):
Woman running, sleek and slender moving
Easily as each step allows for another
Spring forward.
Friends walking along a path moving toward
A shared destiny as each step brings
Them closer to me, or further away?
Trees gently rustling in the breeze
Swayed by nothing more than nature
Existing, for no purpose?
River gently flowing pushing along its
Contents without purpose propelled by
Nature’s currents.
Snow dripping away into the soil without
Concern to what it has been or where
It is going or what affect it has.
The observations show me that
Things change naturally with fluidity
And foster positive outcome. Things
Created by sudden occurrences are formed
From malice and the unintentional and are
Not meant to be emulated.
Change comes with
Ease and Peace.
17 February 2009
Approaching a creature named PrAxiS
When approaching non-thing named Praxis…
For the insights for this one thanks be to
-Ram Dass
Approach is your attitude, your state of being, your frame of mind/heart/soul when participating, publicly serving, helping, or promoting any form of life in community. It is mindful to wanting to understand others, being open to being helped, and to receive as well as to learn. Percieving our”selves” as separate “selves” often obstructs us from being generous. Feeling unity and one-ness in our approaches can counter obstructions, increasing our potential to be generosity. Loneliness, angriness, and powerlessness feelings may manifest helping efforts to gain intimacy, power, control, etc. Catering to our own needs may lessen our abilities to serve others. Help others as they truly are, whole and complete. When you are seeing, see wholly. Although in some situations this is unavoidable, generally try avoiding the roles of active helper and passive helped. For attachment to roles is limiting to our outreach. Approach with intentions to destroy, but create. Not to separate, but to unify. To heal wounds. In all seriousness be humorous, have a trip when you uplift. Utilize your inner-most gifts and spread shining light, illuminating as the sun, when you approach praxis. In our beings is every non-thing, the universe, for us to disperse all around affecting the world every moment, whether we mean to or not. In essence, our actions and our states of mind matter, because we are so deeply interconnected with one another.
“I would say that the thrust of my life has been initially about getting free, and then realizing that my freedom is not independent of everybody else. Then I am arriving at that circle where one works on oneself as a gift to other people so that one doesn't create more suffering. I help people as a work on myself and I work on myself to help people.”- Ram Dass
For the insights for this one thanks be to

Approach is your attitude, your state of being, your frame of mind/heart/soul when participating, publicly serving, helping, or promoting any form of life in community. It is mindful to wanting to understand others, being open to being helped, and to receive as well as to learn. Percieving our”selves” as separate “selves” often obstructs us from being generous. Feeling unity and one-ness in our approaches can counter obstructions, increasing our potential to be generosity. Loneliness, angriness, and powerlessness feelings may manifest helping efforts to gain intimacy, power, control, etc. Catering to our own needs may lessen our abilities to serve others. Help others as they truly are, whole and complete. When you are seeing, see wholly. Although in some situations this is unavoidable, generally try avoiding the roles of active helper and passive helped. For attachment to roles is limiting to our outreach. Approach with intentions to destroy, but create. Not to separate, but to unify. To heal wounds. In all seriousness be humorous, have a trip when you uplift. Utilize your inner-most gifts and spread shining light, illuminating as the sun, when you approach praxis. In our beings is every non-thing, the universe, for us to disperse all around affecting the world every moment, whether we mean to or not. In essence, our actions and our states of mind matter, because we are so deeply interconnected with one another.
“I would say that the thrust of my life has been initially about getting free, and then realizing that my freedom is not independent of everybody else. Then I am arriving at that circle where one works on oneself as a gift to other people so that one doesn't create more suffering. I help people as a work on myself and I work on myself to help people.”- Ram Dass
Poem: A Peaceful Heart (Inspired by Thay, a.k.a. Thich Nhat Hanh)
If we are anger
We a living in hell
What we put into our minds
Brings us
To where we are
Our own weapons are…
Prejudice, fear, and ignorance
Working for peace is
Uprooting roots from
Within us and others
What of us others ask…
There are always ways to
Solve our problems
Always ways
Without killing
The person we call our “enemy”
Is also suffering
When we
This we
Have the capacity
To love
We have compassion for
And accept one another
“Enemies” are illusions
They are individuals who are
Suffering and greatly need our compassion
Forgiveness is
The fruit of awareness
Forgive kindly
It will allow you to see
Root causes that lead to them
To suffering
This occurs naturally
And this allows
To be given
We a living in hell
What we put into our minds
Brings us
To where we are
Our own weapons are…
Prejudice, fear, and ignorance
Working for peace is
Uprooting roots from
Within us and others
What of us others ask…
There are always ways to
Solve our problems
Always ways
Without killing
The person we call our “enemy”
Is also suffering
When we
This we
Have the capacity
To love
We have compassion for
And accept one another
“Enemies” are illusions
They are individuals who are
Suffering and greatly need our compassion
Forgiveness is
The fruit of awareness
Forgive kindly
It will allow you to see
Root causes that lead to them
To suffering
This occurs naturally
And this allows
To be given

12 February 2009
Lesson is “The Roots of War”…
Consciousness is collective
The president is us
We are responsible in our
Support for love and understanding
We cannot be supporting
Of violence, hatred, anger, or fear
War causes suffering unto everyone
Its wounds are deep
In our souls
Is war
In us is toxicity
Society has become infected with illness
Not being happy enough
We need to begin with practicing
Peace, joy, and happiness,
Mindfulness within ourselves
Being in touch
With what is refreshing
And healing inside all around
Will transform the seeds of war
Within us collectively
By perceiving and doing
We influence others
Is possible
We are all co-responsible
What we fill society with
Manifests into
What is inside society
The president is us
We are responsible in our
Support for love and understanding
We cannot be supporting
Of violence, hatred, anger, or fear
War causes suffering unto everyone
Its wounds are deep
In our souls
Is war
In us is toxicity
Society has become infected with illness
Not being happy enough
We need to begin with practicing
Peace, joy, and happiness,
Mindfulness within ourselves
Being in touch
With what is refreshing
And healing inside all around
Will transform the seeds of war
Within us collectively
By perceiving and doing
We influence others
Is possible
We are all co-responsible
What we fill society with
Manifests into
What is inside society
10 February 2009
Poem: energy, flow

Solitude in wisdom, energy in flow.
We are the observers of the flow
Bearing witness to the constant
Moving of the people wrought by
Time and forced into observance.
We know not what we see for
Believing what is unknown is the
Folly of the believer and the
Knowledge of the thinker is to
Know that nothing is definite and
That finite particles can mean the
World or nothing at all.
We are the keepers of the gate,
Those who allow energy to
Flow and the guardians of what
May seem right but only truly
Express self-interest and offer
Nothing but the gentle rise of
Personal ego letting wind to the
Fruitless nature of passionless action.
We are all part of one, cog wheels in
The motion of life ticking in unison to
Strive for what ought to be and to
Berid this planet of what shouldn't;
That which is unfortunate was never a
Friend of us but we need not hold
Disdain towards things, objects that we
Cannot necessarily control as they are
Meant to be, meant to be wrong?
Nothing is inherently wrong, simply
Misguided by negative principals or
Strung about by mantra and partisanship.
We must accept the word of another to
Realize that we are truly citizens on a
Ship, a vessel known as a planet, the
Celestial body that we hold and too often
Ruin out of greed and want and other
Misguided principals.
It is our obligation to right that
Has become wrong and to strive for
A better planet to inhabit, to
Advocate for the truly ideal, to
Become Citizens.
note: the picture before this poem was taken by me while I was in South Africa in the countryside an few hours outside of Durban.
07 February 2009
Poem: Citizen Ship
Soul journeying
Across universe’s space
On inter-connections
We are citizens
In a ship
Standing under
So that others uplift-ed
How high they are shining
On us they are sun
Love one
Teach one
See one another
As one
Help all others
For the benefit of all beings
The conscious-ness
The cultural collective
Spiritual village
Right and left ten fingers in unity
We as privileged members giving back in society
Able-ly and willing-ly
Theraputical remedies
Healing inner and outer
Natures in need
Pollinate harmony
Pure waters
Cease hell fire civilly
The force
The source
Positive energy
The creative ingredient
That disrupts injustice
Seek Truth
Speak Truth
Act Truth accordingly
Like Jesus
Like King
Nhat Hanh
And Gandhi
Being the change that you wish to see
The world
Change her
Care for her
Pour local
And global
Community all over her
Be a vessel
For spreading the light
Get up, get out,
And stand up for your rights
And sing
Towards higher realms
Higher states and
Higher planes
All on board together
Rocket shipping
In the cosmos
We are tripping
Roots oriented
In the right directions
Unique are our perceptions
On our individual paths
We are practicing
Citizens in a ship

Across universe’s space
On inter-connections
We are citizens
In a ship
Standing under
So that others uplift-ed
How high they are shining
On us they are sun
Love one
Teach one
See one another
As one
Help all others
For the benefit of all beings
The conscious-ness
The cultural collective
Spiritual village
Right and left ten fingers in unity
We as privileged members giving back in society
Able-ly and willing-ly
Theraputical remedies
Healing inner and outer
Natures in need
Pollinate harmony
Pure waters
Cease hell fire civilly
The force
The source
Positive energy
The creative ingredient
That disrupts injustice
Seek Truth
Speak Truth
Act Truth accordingly
Like Jesus
Like King
Nhat Hanh
And Gandhi
Being the change that you wish to see
The world
Change her
Care for her
Pour local
And global
Community all over her
Be a vessel
For spreading the light
Get up, get out,
And stand up for your rights
And sing
Towards higher realms
Higher states and
Higher planes
All on board together
Rocket shipping
In the cosmos
We are tripping
Roots oriented
In the right directions
Unique are our perceptions
On our individual paths
We are practicing
Citizens in a ship

06 February 2009
Picture from Equality Equals Equal
Equality Equals Equal
Today when I was delivering letters from Christopher, from Kolkata, from India, I crossed paths with Emily and Lauren on the third floor in the library, and they were engaging with others, English as a Second Language-ing. With there being a near hour before tutor mentoring at the Newburgh Free Academy, I decided organically to join the group. My intentions at first were only to observe. Well, the man I seated next to looked in appearance just like the custodian man that raised his vocals at me when I unmindfully walked across his freshly mopped hallway earlier this week. But I was uncertainly unsure. In the meanwhile, this man was radiating a sense of welcoming from within him. Not before too long my dormant observing him proceed along with ease, then misspell words, and sit pondering, evolved into a friendly greeting, manifesting into working cooperatively together.
His name was Douglass and we thought each other were funny. I liked his nature, and felt as if, if he were that custodian man, I felt reconciled, a reoccurring pattern that has been present in my life lately, especially in meditation, dreams, and prayer to the powers that be. Douglass has a basic rooting in his understanding of the English language. I comprehend him when he communicates verbally, and the way he writes is well. Presently he is practicing developing his grammatical skills writing. It was a pleasure to work together with him. We shared happiness and wisdom.
Emily had contributed sentence structure along with verb tenses worksheets, so we spend our time together in such a way. Douglass encountered with balance, struggle and ease. For the most part he had it, so I would help him when he got stuck, or reassure him when he was in doubt, or cheer him along when he was sailing on. We were so immersed in it, and before we even knew, everyone else there was packing their belongings to leave. Douglass, grounded in his chair, unready to depart, noticed a word he became curious about. He had heard the President Barack Obama say it repeatively, and the word was “equal.” Mi amigo asked me what the president meant when he said that? And I responded in the essense of…”Equal is a word that means “the same.” When the president is saying it, he is talking about equality. Equal rights, equal opportunity, and equal treatment that he wishes to be the same for all. Everyone. Just like you and I should both experience equality equally.” Douglass laughed happily. Pencil across paper, he wrote in a sentence…”We are all equal.” “I like that word” he said.
Equanimity is the Buddhist concept that Douglass revealed in his life presence to me. Cultivating equanimity is to love and accept all. It begins with becoming loving and accepting of all of the qualities within oneself. Practice expands this love and acceptance to encompass all beings and creatures. To love all like you would your own mother, and not to decrease the love for your mother to such depths, but to elevate love for all to reach such highest heights.
Today when I was delivering letters from Christopher, from Kolkata, from India, I crossed paths with Emily and Lauren on the third floor in the library, and they were engaging with others, English as a Second Language-ing. With there being a near hour before tutor mentoring at the Newburgh Free Academy, I decided organically to join the group. My intentions at first were only to observe. Well, the man I seated next to looked in appearance just like the custodian man that raised his vocals at me when I unmindfully walked across his freshly mopped hallway earlier this week. But I was uncertainly unsure. In the meanwhile, this man was radiating a sense of welcoming from within him. Not before too long my dormant observing him proceed along with ease, then misspell words, and sit pondering, evolved into a friendly greeting, manifesting into working cooperatively together.
His name was Douglass and we thought each other were funny. I liked his nature, and felt as if, if he were that custodian man, I felt reconciled, a reoccurring pattern that has been present in my life lately, especially in meditation, dreams, and prayer to the powers that be. Douglass has a basic rooting in his understanding of the English language. I comprehend him when he communicates verbally, and the way he writes is well. Presently he is practicing developing his grammatical skills writing. It was a pleasure to work together with him. We shared happiness and wisdom.
Emily had contributed sentence structure along with verb tenses worksheets, so we spend our time together in such a way. Douglass encountered with balance, struggle and ease. For the most part he had it, so I would help him when he got stuck, or reassure him when he was in doubt, or cheer him along when he was sailing on. We were so immersed in it, and before we even knew, everyone else there was packing their belongings to leave. Douglass, grounded in his chair, unready to depart, noticed a word he became curious about. He had heard the President Barack Obama say it repeatively, and the word was “equal.” Mi amigo asked me what the president meant when he said that? And I responded in the essense of…”Equal is a word that means “the same.” When the president is saying it, he is talking about equality. Equal rights, equal opportunity, and equal treatment that he wishes to be the same for all. Everyone. Just like you and I should both experience equality equally.” Douglass laughed happily. Pencil across paper, he wrote in a sentence…”We are all equal.” “I like that word” he said.
Equanimity is the Buddhist concept that Douglass revealed in his life presence to me. Cultivating equanimity is to love and accept all. It begins with becoming loving and accepting of all of the qualities within oneself. Practice expands this love and acceptance to encompass all beings and creatures. To love all like you would your own mother, and not to decrease the love for your mother to such depths, but to elevate love for all to reach such highest heights.
All love
Loving all
All for love
Love for all
Loving all
All for love
Love for all
04 February 2009
Mural Beginnings
With this week's Praxivists meeting we were fortunate enough to construct a wood frame that we will paint into a full mural next week. With the help of Sam, we were able to attain tools and materials to build a portable mural that we will include at future Praxis events around campus. Included are several pictures that depict the groups daunting task of turning scrap wood into mural material.
Power to the Peaceful!

Power to the Peaceful!

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