Praxis is about, transformation. Praxis is about integration, of we the students in our study, purpose-ful-ly, into the en-viron-ment, and in so-cie-ty.
Praxis opens one, to hear the cries of the world, to feel the pains of other, genuinely, which is compassionate, deep empathy. When praxis exposure opens us, and has us, feeling that suffering, it vibrates within, and responsibility, organically arises. We begin to care, and we become eager to help. And this is why theory needs action, to allow us to walk the walk, after thinking the think, and talking the talk. Praxis is…to experience, to reflect, and to gain insight. To give meaning to the teachings, and to give…mean-ing to our be-ings.

Peace. Namaste blessings. and One Love, -Anthony
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