30 January 2009

8 Years Gone

We are eight years
Gone from the wreck.
It is odd to see all
That once was is
Now Gone.
The pain I had on
My face that day is
Hard to think of.
Why did they rule
The way they did?
Why did they
Force change on us?
It is not in my mind
Now, it is gone.
The hurt I, NAY we,
Felt then is now gone.
I still do not know how
All this came to be.
I find that I am still
A bit in shock.
But that ship is at
Sea, and I will not see it.
Why did the court
Rule that way in
Bush v Gore?

That was a poem I wrote in my grammar, style, and editing class during an exercise where we had to write a passage using only one syllable words.

Enjoy the thought food
Power to the peaceful!

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